Thursday, January 7, 2010

Squirrels and Baseball

When a flying squirrel becomes a part of your family you spend a lot of time doing research on their needs, dietary requirements and health issues. You even spend a good amount of time combing the internet for squirrel toys, connecting with other squirrel owners, and... what's this? Squirrel baseball? Well, sort of...

This year the Richmond Flying Squirrels make their debut in the Minor League Baseball Eastern League. Now, before you go thinking that flying squirrels are just cute and cuddly little furballs that aren't very tough, here are some things you should know. Flying squirrels have mad skills. They are amazingly fast, can glide over 250' and have been referred to as carnivorous (although they're actually omnivores.) Personally, I think flying squirrels kick butt and that the Richmond Flying Squirrels couldn't have picked a better name. Go Squirrels!!!

Up until now I've never really been much of a sports fan, but I think this time I'm going to have to support my personal flying squirrels, Benji and Nibbles, and root for the Richmond Flying Squirrels. I've already bought my t-shirt. Now I wonder if they sell team t-shirts in super tiny squirrel sizes??

Want to learn more about flying squirrels? Just check out my article on Southern Flying Squirrels.

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